Sketches of Australian Life and Scenery Complete in 12 Plates - Plate Three: A New Rush

Sketches of Australian Life and Scenery Complete in 12 Plates

Plate Three: A New Rush

Caption: A new diggings, or Colonially speaking a new rush constituted by the finding of Gold, rumours soon get abroad, and most of those living near to the new discovered spot leave their home and make the best of their way to the diggings.  It is very amusing, and also characteristic to see so many thousands of men, women, and children flock to the place where gold is known to be discovered, with but a blanket, & canvass lent to cover them. Every man proceeding to the diggings provides himself with a Swag, Billy, Tomyhawk (sic), Tent &c., and in a very short time, the uninhabited wilderness becomes a populated Township.

Artist: Loosely based on drawings by S.T. Gill, including some plates from The Australian sketchbook. 

Provenance: Sketches of Australian Life and Scenery Complete in 12 Plates
Contributor: Paul Jerrard & Son
Contributor: Messrs. Newbold & Co.
Date of Publication: ca. 1865
Published by: Paul Jerrard & Son for the proprietors Messrs. Newbold & Co.
Place of Publishing: London (170 Fleet Street)
Copyright status: This work is out of copyright

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