Includes some World Events.
❈ A Government order requires all settlers having assigned servants to send in a statement in order to enable the government to ascertain the general conduct of prisoners in private service.
3. The Sir Charles Forbes arrives with 70 female prisoners.
❈ The plague rages with great fury in Constantinople. Dr. Francia, of Paraguay, surrenders the French naturalist Bonplan to his family.
❈ Ten thousand Greeks emigrate to Corsica.
❈ The Emperor Nicholas crowned at Moscow.
❈ The fortress of Callao, the last hold of the Royalists in Peru, surrenders.
8. The Marquis of Lansdown arrives from Calcutta with tea and other goods.
9. The Grenada arrives from London with 83 female prisoners.
❈ A public proposal to export wheat by the Sir Charles Forbes, fails.
❈ The first public meeting of the Mechanics' institution held at the British hotel, and a large subscription raised in aid of the object.
❈ Elizabeth-street nearly completed.
❈ Wheat sold at Launceston for three shillings a bushel.
❈ The Judge opens the Court at Launceston.
❈ Twelve criminals executed on the gallows at Hobart Town.
17. 18. Heavy thunder showers.
❈ Government house long in a dilapidated state, undergoes repair and some additions, to fit it for being converted into public offices, when the new Government house in the paddock is built; a room set apart for a naturalists museum, and considerable collections making.
❈ Great talk about erecting a bridge at New Norfolk.
❈ Death of Commodore Sir James Brisbane, at Sydney.
❈ The Monitor newspaper pays one hundred pounds and costs for a libel on Mr. Macarthur, the great sheep and wool grower.
❈ Capt. King, in the Adventure, surveys the coast of Cape Horn.
22. The Phillip Dundas arrives from Batavia, with sugar and salt provisions.
❈ The small sloop Ellen, belonging to Capt. H. Walker, carried off in the night by runaway prisoners.
❈ Fourteen men picked up at Western port, by Capt. d'Urville, of the Astrolabe.
24. The ship Resolution from Calcutta to Valparaiso puts in for refreshment.
28. The Hope arrives with goods and passengers from London, and H.M.S Success with British silver.
31. Sails to explore Rottnest island the north-eastern coast of New Holland.
6. Arrived H.M.S. Rainbow, from Trincomalee. Batchelor and Cockerill, two prisoner clerks, convicted of malversation in the office books, and sentenced to Macquarie harbour.
10. Mr. George Terry Howe, in a public advertisement states himself to be the sole proprietor of the Hobart town Gazette, and deems it necessary to inform his friends and the public, that he is under the necessity (adversus necessitatem ne dii quidem pugnant) of dispensing with the further services of James Ross, as the editor of that paper.
❈ Six criminals executed at Launceston. Brian Boru, the new Zealand friend of Captain Dillon, of the St. Patrick, entertained by Lord Combermere at Barrackpore.
23. The Andromeda arrives with male prisoners.
❈ An accident happens to the supply mills.
❈ A fever rages in Dublin.
❈ Imports at Hobart town for 1826, amount to £19183, imported in five ships. The exports to £14508.
❈ Only one puncheon of rum left in the bonded store.
❈ The Admiral Cockburn arrives from London with merchandise, and the Australian company's ship City of Edinburgh, from Leith. Mr. G. Barnard, surveys King's island.
❈ The interior of Van Dieman's land divided into five-police districts, and police magistrates appointed to each, viz, at New Norfolk, Oatlands, Campbell town, Norfolk plains, and Richmond.
❈ The brig Wellington, going to Norfolk island with 66 prisoners, the convicts rose upon the guard and crew and carried the vessel to New Zealand. They were there taken, brought back to Sydney in the ship Sisters, tried and the ringleaders executed.
❈ The American brigs General Sucre and Bolivar, arrive from Manilla, and the Caledonia with goods from London.
❈ The summer in Europe remarkably dry.
❈ Talma the great tragedian dies.
❈ War between Russia and Persia.
❈ H.M.S. Fly arrives with British silver.
❈ Constantine crowned King of Poland.
❈ Slate lotteries terminate in England.
❈ A meeting held in the Court house to petition parliament for trial by jury.
❈ A deputation to the Lieutenant Governor upon the subject does not wait upon his Excellency.
❈ The Leda sails from Launceston with a cargo of wheat to the Isle of France.
❈ Commercial revenue collected at Hobart town during the year 1826, amounts to £23262.
❈ A Tasmanian agricultural company projected, with a capital of £10,000, to export the produce of the country.
❈ A memorial is proposed to the Home Government requesting assistance in bringing free labourers. A chamber of commerce is also talked of; neither of these undertakings is yet carried into effect.
❈ The Marquis of Lansdown arrives with tea.
24. The Hugh Crawford sails for England with produce.
Several new mercantile houses of respectability established in Hobart town.
❈ The Haweis arrives with sugar from the Isle of France, brings bad accounts of the sale of wheat.
❈ The brig Dotterel wrecked at the mouth of the Tamar.
5. The East India Company's ship Research, Captain Peter Dillon, arrives in prosecution of a voyage in quest of the survivors of the French frigates, La Bussole and L'Astrolabe, under La Perouse: brings two New Zealanders, who threatened to eat alive the surgeon and naturalist of the expedition Dr. Tytler.
❈ The new brig Apollo, wrecked at Maria island.
❈ A settlement formed at King George's Sound.
❈ Shocking atrocities come to light perpetrated by the Sealers at King George's Sound, Kangaroo island, and in the islands of Bass's Strait,
13. The ship Tiger arrives from England with merchandise.
❈ A market held at Ross, and races, with considerable eclat.
❈ The Hetty arrives from the Cape of Good Hope, with wine. &c.
❈ The Chief Justice, the Colonial Secretary, W. H. Hamilton, A.W. H. Humphrey. E. Curr. T. Anstey, and T. Archer, Esqrs. proclaimed members of the Legislative council.
❈ A war breaks out between Spain and Portugal, and large reinforcements sent out from England to protect Portugal.
❈ His Majesty opened Parliament in person on 21st November.
Distant View of Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land [i.e. Van Diemen's Land] from Blufhead. [i.e. Bluff Head] 1825 |
❈ The native blacks re-commence their attacks.
❈ In a trial the King against Dillon, of the ship Research, which lasted two days, for an assault upon Dr. Tytler, a verdict of guilty was given, and sentence of two months imprisonment, and a fine of £50 passed.
❈ His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor was pleased to remit the former part of the sentence, and the ship proceeded on her voyage.
❈ The ship Hope wrecked about 16 miles below Hobart town, near Iron-pot island.
❈ Captain Laughton, master and part owner of the late brig Apollo, unhappily drowned in endeavouring to save part of the wreck of the Hope.
❈ The brig Guide, arrives from Calcutta with merchandise, news of the Duke of York's death.
❈ The ship John Bull arrives from Canton with tea.
25. The ship Cumberland sails for London with colonial produce.
❈ The whole value of imports into Van Diemen's land during 1826, amounted to £100,000 the exports were double those of the former year, and amounted to about £50,000.
❈ Two acts of Council passed at Sydney, restricting the newspaper press, the one requiring a licence to print and publish, the other imposing a duty of 4d. on each newspaper; they were taken off a few days after.
❈ Wheat tendered to the commissariat at 5s. and 5s. 6d. a bushel.
❈ An order from home suppresses the newspapers at the Cape of Good Hope.
❈ Eight men in the service of the Van Diemen's land company drowned at Hunter's island, near Cape Grim.
❈ Ten prisoners escape in a boat, after failing in an attempt to carry off the cutter Emma Kemp, from the harbour, by strenuous exertions of the government and the people, they are all shortly apprehended, and subsequently tried, convicted, condemned and executed.
❈ A shock of an earthquake felt at Hobart-town, and in a northerly direction across the island.
❈ Large emigrations from France to French Guyana.
❈ A robbery committed at the Treasury on the night of the 18th, to the amount of more than £1000.
❈ A robbery committed at the Treasury on the night of the 18th, to the amount of more than £1000.
2. Eight criminals executed at Hobart-town.
❈ The case of Mr. Wellesley and his children excites considerable interest, and the Lord Chancellor decides that he is not fit to have the keeping of then.
9. The Harvey arrives from London and the Cape with goods and passengers, a fatal duel fought by one of the passengers at the Cape.
17. Dr. Ross delivers the first lecture at the Mechanics' Institution.
❈ The Lieutenant Governor visits the other side of the island.
❈ A stroke of apoplexy disables Lord Liverpool from further attending to his public duty.
❈ Mr. Canning appointed First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Lyndhurst Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Clarence Lord High Admiral, Mr. W. S. Bourne Home Secretary of State, Viscount Dudley and Ward Foreign ditto. Viscount Goderich Colonial ditto.
❈ The brig Lion and ship Lang arrive from England with goods.
❈ Captain Parry again sets out on his northern expedition.
❈ The Australian company's ship Triton arrives from Leith with goods, and the Governor Ready from London with male prisoners.
❈ Sugar scarce at Hobart-town and sells at 9d. a lb. Foolscap paper sold at £4. a ream.
❈ The catholic question lost in the House of Commons by a majority of 4.
❈ The Duke of Wellington, Lords Bathurst, Melville, Sidmouth, Westmoreland, Lowther, Eldon, and Mr. Peel resign their seats in the Cabinet.
5. The ship Persian arrives with 66 female prisoners.
20. The ship Medway arrives from London with goods.
❈ Nine men executed on the gallows at Hobart-town.
Roseneath Ferry, Near Hobart Town, Van Diemens Land, 1 December 1824 |
❈ Several convictions take place of offenders against the licensing act.
❈ The Government schooner Waterloo sold.
❈ An Act of Council passed for the prevention of libels, one requiring a licence to print and publish, and another imposing a duty of 2d. on each newspaper.
❈ Bacon and hams very generally cured in Van Diemen's land, and malt liquor brewed.
❈ The Chief Justice opens the Court at Launceston.
❈ Acts of Council passed to regulate the sale of beer, wine and spirits— for the transportation of offenders from Van Diemen's land:—and for the registration of deeds and other documents affecting real property.
❈ The quit rents in the town of Sydney calculated to amount to £10,000 a year.
❈ 5500 children educated in the national schools in New South Wales.
❈ The Elizabeth, Powditch, brings a cargo of wheat from Valparaiso to Sydney, having falsely heard that the country was burned up.
❈ Very large exports of wheat from the ports of Van Diemen's land to Sydney and the Isle of France.
❈ Lord Wellington proposes an amendment of the corn bill.
❈ The Layton arrives from London with male prisoners.
❈ The Marquis of Londonderry the leader of the opposition opposes the ministry on grounds of personal antipathy.
❈ Mr. Huskisson shews that British vessels have a greater share than ever in the commerce of the world.
❈ Freight from London to Hobart-town from 4 to 5£ a ton, a passenger £80.
❈ The foundation stone of the New London University laid.
❈ The Queen of Wirtemberg visits England.
❈ Montreal, Kingston and Halifax declared free ports.
❈ Wool from Van Diemen's land obtains better prices in the London market.
❈ The Thames tunnel breaks in, Mr. Brunel the engineer says he can repair it.
❈ The borough of Penryn disfranchised for corruption.
❈ The Orelia arrives with goods from London.
15. The newspaper acts commence.
20. The Hobart-town Courier established.
❈ Places of Worship erecting in various parts of the interior.
22. The Caledonia arrives with sugar from the Isle of France.
❈ A new Bank, to be called the Derwent bank, capital £20,000, established to commence operations on the 1st of January. The old bank of Van Diemen's land changed into a joint stock company.
❈ Several convictions take place for harbouring runaway prisoners.
❈ A couple of runaways commit several depredations on passengers about Constitution hill and Jericho.
❈ Parliament prorogued on the 2d of July.
❈ The national debt of England amounts to £808,367,500.
❈ Considerable promotions in the 40th regiment.
❈ The British troops begin to be withdrawn from Portugal.
❈ The national guard discharged at Paris.
❈ The ship Sovereign arrives with female prisoners, and the Hind with goods from Glasgow.
❈ Sanguinary battles between the Turks and Greeks. A coalition of England, France and Russia, to put an end to the contest.
❈ The weather continues unusually dry, and indifferent hopes are entertained of the approaching harvest.
1. The ship George Home arrives with goods from England, bringing news of the death of Mr. Canning, on the 8th of August.
❈ Lord Goderich appointed first Lord of the Treasury, and Mr. Huskisson, Secretary of State for the colonies.
❈ Peace declared between Buenos Aires and Brazil.
❈ The Duke of Manchester returns from Jamaica.
❈ Lord Bentinck goes out as governor general of India.
❈ The first course of elementary instruction at the Mechanics' Institution, commenced by Mr. Thomson.
❈ The Asia, (Edman) arrives with male prisoners.
5. The Ionia arrives from London with goods.
❈ Mr. Campbell, collector of customs at Sydney, robbed of property to a large amount.
❈ The Dragon arrives from Batavia with sugar.
❈ The Asia, (Ager) arrives from London with male prisoners.
❈ Nine men brought up from Macquarie harbour, on a charge of murder, tried, convicted and executed on the 17th.
19. The Java packet arrives from the Isle of France with sugar, &c. and the French corvette l'Astrolabe on a voyage of discovery, last from Amboyna.
20. The North Briton arrives with goods from Greenock.
❈ Wheat rises to eight shillings a bushel.
- Chronology of 1827, for Van Diemen's Land (1827, December 29). The Hobart Town Courier (Tas. : 1827 - 1839), p. 4.
- Distant View of Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land [i.e. Van Diemen's Land] from Blufhead. [i.e. Bluff Head] 1825; Engraver: Joseph Lycett 1774?-1828; Published by J. Souter, London; Date: 1825; Courtesy: State Library Victoria
- Roseneath Ferry, Near Hobart Town, Van Diemens Land, 1 December 1824; Artist: Joseph Lycett (1774?-1828); Publisher: J. Souter, London; Courtesy: State Library of Victoria
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