Licensing Bench, Palmerston (Darwin), Northern Territory - 8 December 1873

Before Mr. Gardiner, Mr. Lindsay, and Mr. Frew, J.P.'s

Public-House Licenses.
Royal Hotel, Palmerston, E. Bieber. Granted.
Commerical Hotel, Palmerston, F. W. Fisher. Granted
Great Britain Hotel, Palmerston, J. A. Hunt. Granted
Telegraph Hotel, Palmerston (transfer), Mr. Rumble. Granted.
Southport Hotel, Southport, A. H. Somner. Adjourned.
Southport Hotel, Southport, H. Tindley. Adjourned.
Quarts Reef Hotel, Yam Creek, G. Parker. Granted.
Jolly Wagoner, Adelaide Crossing, G. Dogherty. Granted.
The Miners' Arms, Shackle, E. Williams. Granted.

Storekeeper's Licences.
Gore & Co., Palmerston. Granted.
Allen & Jenkins, Palmerston. Granted.
J. Skelton, Palmerston. Granted.
Reynolds, Durand, & Co., Palmerston, Southport, and the Shackle. Granted.
J. Skelton, Southport. Granted.

Wine Licences.

The following were granted:-

J. Skelton
Allen & Jenkins
W. H. Garson

Slaughtering Licence.
G. C. Colgars, Palmerston.

Source: Licensing Bench, Palmerston. (1873, December 12). Northern Territory Times and Gazette (Darwin, NT : 1873 - 1927), p. 3.

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