Sydney, July 20, 1826.
THE undermentioned Prisoners having absented themselves from their respective Employments, and some of them at large with false Certificates, all Constables and others are hereby required to use their utmost Exertions in lodging them in safe Custody.
1. Andrews, William, Baring, 36, London, from Eight-Mile-and-a-half Station Road Party.
1. Baylis, Joseph, Eliza, 22, London, 5 feet 6, grey eyes, brown hair, dark comp. Government servant to Thomas Barker, Campbell-town.
2. Bromley, Thomas, Eliza, 25, London, 5 feet 7 and a half, grey eyes, flazen hair, fair ruddy comp. from Hyde Park Barrack.
3. Cannon, Michael, Ann and Amelia. 23, London, 6 feet 5, hazle eyes, red hair, pale freckled comp from Carters' Barrack.
1. Dunnegan, John, Hoogley, 25, County Meath, 5 feet 10 and a half, grey eyes, brown hair. dk. freckled comp. Government Servant to David Nowland, Campbell-town.
2. Evans, Samuel, Coromandel, 26, Liverpool, 5 feet 6 and a half, hazle eyes, brown hair, dark ruddy comp. from Hyde Park Barrack.
2. Farrell, Garratt, John Barry, 25, Dublin, 5 feet 4, hazle eyes, light hair, florid comp. from Road Gang, stationed between Newcastle and Wallis's Plains.
2. Geer, William, Sesostris, 22, Croydon, 5 feet 4 and a half, black eyes, dark brown hair, dark ruddy comp. from Hyde Park Barrack.
3. Goran, Thomas, Hadlow, 34, Tipperary, 6 foot 1, hazle eyes, light brown hair, fair ruddy comp. from Hyde Park Barrack.
1. Hogan, John, Dorothy, 27, Ennisworthy, 5 feet 8 and a half, blue eyes, brown hair, ruddy comp. from Windsor Town Gang.
3. Hawkins, John, Guilford, 25, Herefordshire. 5 feet 7, grey eyes, black hair, much pock-pitted comp from Parramatta Station.
1. Johnstone, Thomas, Government Servant to Henry Smith, Campbell-town.
2. Lindsay, Farley, Minstrel, 28, Midlothian, 5 feet 10 and 3 quarters, hazle grey eyes, red hair, pale pockpitted comp. Government Servant to Alexander M'Leod, Esq. of Luskintyre.
3. Lambert, William, Princess Royal, 22, Hull, 5 feet 2 and a half, grey eyes, dark flaxen hair, fresh pock-pittted comp. from Parramatta Station.
2. M'Gueniss John, Almorah, 22, Dublin, 5 feet 1, blue eyes, brown hair, fair ruddy comp. from Hyde Park Barrack.
3. Millar Peter, Neptune, 39, Hamburgn, 5 feet 6, blue eyes, black hair, dark sallow comp. from Kean's Cowpasture Road Party.
3. Mills, Thomas, Eliza, 26, Kingston, Surry, 5 feet 5, dark eyes, black hair dark sallow comp. from Port Macquarie.
3. Matingly, William, John Harry, 40, Berkshire, 5 feet & and a half, hazle eyes, brown hair, fair ruddy comp. from General Hospital, Sydney.
1. Norman, William, Hercules, 28, Middlesex, 5 feet 3, pale eyes, brown hair, grey comp. from Grose farm.
1. Norton, Catherine, Woodman, 27, County Limerick, 5 feet, blue eyes, dark red hair, fair little freckled comp. Government servant to Captain Green, 57th Regiment.
1. Napper, Thomas, Sesostris, 19, London, 5 feet 5, blue eyes, red hair, fair much freckled comp. from Hyde Park Barrack.
1. Reardon, Timothy, Isabella, 23, Cork, 5 feet 3 and a quarter, grey eyes, light brown hair, red pockpitted comp. Government Servant to Thomas Burns, Campbell-town.
1. Riley, James, John Barry, 25, Longford, 5 feet 1 and 3 quarters, grey eyes, brown hair, florid comp. from Walsh's Road Party, charged with Robbery.
2. Riley, William, Elizabeth, 33, County Monaghan, 5 feet 1 and 3 quarters, hazle eyes, black hair, dark ruddy comp. from Hyde Park Barrack.
1. Shaw, Daniel, Asia (4), 28, County Antrim, 5 feet 7 and 3 quarters, blue eyes, brown hair, brown comp. from Government at Bathurst.
1. Swaine, Robert, Coromandel, 23, Leeds, 4 feet 9 and a quarter, hazle eyes, flaxen hair, fair ruddy comp. from Eight-Mile-and-a-Half Station Road Party.
2. Stewart John, Recovery, 22, County Antrim, 5 feet 6, dark hazle eyes, dark brown hair, fair ruddy comp. from Port Macquarie.
2. Smith, William, Hadlow, 33, Limerick, 5 feet 7 and a half, black hair, black eyes, dark sallow comp. from M'George's Richmond Road Party.
2. Slavin, Bernard, Recovery, 24, Dublin, 5 feet 5 and 3 quarters, hazle eyes, black hair, dark freckled comp. from Road Gang, stationed between Newcastle and Wallis's Plains.
2. Stewart, Bridget, Almorah, 26, Cook's Town, Tyrone, 5 feet 1, blue eyes, dark brown hair, fair freckled comp. from Female Factory, Parramatta.
1. Wilson, Charles, Minstrel, 42, Woolwich, 5 feet 10 and 3 quarters, brown to red eyes, grey hair, brown comp. from Hyde Park Barrack.
3. Watson, James, Somersetshire, 59, London, from Walsh's Road Party.
Any Person harbouring, concealing, or maintaining any of the said Absentees, will be prosecuted for the Offence.
and Principal Superintendent
and Principal Superintendent
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