Colonial Secretary's Office, Perth,
May 23,1844.
His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to direct the publication of the following list of Deeds of Grant in fee simple of Country Grants and Town Allotments which have passed the Council, and are now ready for delivery on application at this Office: —
Country Grants.
Adams, J. 320 acres, Canning
Andrews, W. B. 5,000 acres Avon
Bickley, W. 640 acres Canning
Brockman, W. L. 320 acres Swan
Do., 320 do. do.
Carey, N. 4,000 acres Avon
Cooper, J. 675 acres Murray
Hamersley & Phillips, 12,513 acres Avon
Hodges, G. B. 184 ½ acres Lakes
Do. 184 ½ do. do.
Henderson, H. E. 607 acres Plantagenet
Hardey, J. 102 acres Swan
Habgood, Messrs. 320 acres Swan
Heal, C. 277 acres Avon
Do. 1,123 acres Swan
Hertran (or Hertman), J. 25 acres Leschenault
Hutton, Mrs. 968 acres Swan
Irwin, Major 12 do. do.
Lennard, E. P. B. 1,280 acres Avon
Leake, G. 824 acres Sussex
Molloy, J. 12,400 acres Sussex
Middleton, T. 1,386 acres Canning
Morritt, G. 640 acres do.
Moore, G. F. 320 acres Swan
Do. 640 do. Leschenault
Do. 320 do. Cockburn Sound
Do. Leschenault locations 57 & 58
Nairn, W. 640 acres Avon
Roe, J. S. 2,180 acres Leschenault
Rogers, W. S. 554 acres Lakes
Sholl, W. H. 2,500 acres Kojonup
Scott, John 100 acres Swan
Smith, P. P. 573 acres Canning
Tanner, W. 90 acres Avon
Turner, T. 900 acres Sussex
Do. 600 do. do.
Wittenoom, J. B. 5.000 acres Avon
Do. 200 do. do.
Warburron, G. E. E. 320 acres Plantagenet
Wollaston, J. K. 100 acres Leschenault
Wells, R. 50 acres Avon
Wall,T. B. 50 acres Avon
Town Allotments.
Bigge, F. W. Albany S114
Cooper, J. do. . S 106
Chsuncey, P. L. S. W. Guildford 137
Croucher, —— Guildford 15
Draper, R. Fremantle 265
Earnshaw, D. Bunbury 51
Groves, G. do. 3
Helpman, F. do. 82
Hyde, W. W. Guildford 138
Inkpen, J. Perth Y 92
Leake, G. do. F 7
Lazenby, G. do. P 10
Monger, J. H. York 1
MacDermott, M. Perth L 55
Read, J. Fremantle 83
Spencer, J. do. 418
Tupper, F. do. S 538
Tulley, H. Albany S 104
Thompson, T. W. Bunbury 80
Vincent, H. Fremantle 21
Wail, T. B. W. Guildford 113
Woodward, S. Fremantle 63
Watts G. S. Perth T 7
By His Excellency's command
Source: From The Government Gazette (1844, May 25). The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (WA : 1833 - 1847), p. 4.
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