*From: Sketches in Australia [1848]
This series consisted of 18 tinted lithographs issued in three parts - each part comprising 6 lithographs, and enclosed in buff coloured covers. Unsold copies were reissued in book form in 1852.
8. Road from Emu Plains, Over the Blue Mountains. The First Stone Bridge built in New South Wales.
Lithograph 21 x 25.4cm.Cream tint. The bridge, known as Horseshoe Bridge on Mitchell's Pass, near present-day Lapstone, was the first constructed by David Lennox, the famous colonial bridge builder. It was completed in 1833 and the original view for this lithograph was probably taken during the final stages of construction. Note the convict labourers and road gang at work on the bridge surrounds. Richard Bourke took special pride in the constructions of Lennox during his period of governorship. Reproduced: Spiers, p.49. Letterpress text:
This view, intended to represent part of a Road over the Blue Mountains, is perhaps of more importance than any recently constructed in New South Wales, opening to the settler some of the most magnificent country for agriculture and grazing pursuits in this vast land, - Bathurst, Wellington Valley, Macquarie, &c., &c. This range of Mountains was for some years considered inaccessible; but after repeated unsuccessful attempts, the perseverance of explorers was rewarded, and a road, or mountain pass, was made over a portion called Lapstone Hill; the ascent and descent was attended with great fatigue and danger; at length, the Surveyor General, Sir Thomas Mitchell, exercising his usual perseverance and skill, overcame this difficulty, and although much labour has been expended, this hitherto considered impracticable barrier has been removed, and the mountain can now be ascended with great facility. The Bridge represented in the sketch carries the road over a deep gully, and was the first stone Bridge erected of any size in New South Wales.
Source: Road from Emu Plains, Over the Blue Mountains - The First Stone Bridge Built in New South Wales c. 1848 - William Spreat 1816 - Lithographer - Contributor: Captain Robert Marsh Westmacott 1801-1870 (Sketches in Australia) - Courtesy State Library Victoria
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