NSW List of Absconded Prisoners - Dated 30 November 1816

Sydney, November 30, 1816.

THE under-mentioned Prisoners having absented themselves from their respective Employments, and some of them at large with false Certificates, all Constables and others are hereby required to use their utmost Exertions in apprehending and lodging them in safe Custody. 

From Newcastle, with the Whale Boat
Patrick Riley,
Samuel Austen,
Walter White,
James Connelly,
William Evans,
John Johnson, alias Beasmore,
Thomas Crane.

From the Lady Nilson
Eneas M'Donald,
Michael Ryan.
John Murray, Fanny, from M. M'Cabe, Concord.
James Dowd, Guildford, 2d, from Mr. Gore.
Jacintho Barreu, per Somersetshire, from Mr. Johnson, Portland Head.
Patrick Hamilton, Guildford, 2d, from Newcastle.
Thomas Hyland, Archduke Charles, from Windsor.
John Fisher, per Baring, from the Cow Pasture.

Henry Penman,
John Lyall.

James Rearden,
Issac Nowland,
John Armstrong,
R. Simpons,
W. Weston,
Jmes Cooney.
W. Harding, waterman;
Joseph Stanley, whitesmith;
Patrick Fitzsimmonds, bricklayer;
R. Howard, mariner;
John Uran, sawyer.

Servants and labourers
James Clarke,
W. Strother,
Thomas Hughes,
John Frances,
James Wootlman,
John Leach,
R. Smith,
W. Smith,
M. Smith,
W. Jones,
J. Bainbridge,
R. Thomas,
J. Clarke,
G. Lewes,
T. Turner,
T. Walker,
T. Deeton,
Richard Williams,
J. Woolley,
W. Simms,
John Hand,
Patrick Whatlan,
Benjamin Edwards,
W. Allen,
W. Thorpe,
Peter Wright,
W. Jenkins,
R. Welch,
A. Tiflin, alias Greenlow,
John Murphy,
Thomas Ward,
Edward Price,
George Leycester,
John Smith,
Alexender Sunderland,
John Holly,
Thomas Till,
James Smedley,
James Ring,
William Taylor,
John Treeble,
Joseph Cuff.

Sarah Corbett,
Elizabeth Wright,
Mary Price,
Mary Langridge,
Sarah Smith,
Agnes Finleater,
Elizabeth Birch,
Bridget Conway.

Francis Harrison,
Felix O'Neil,
Thomas M'Grath,
Nicholas Russell,
Hugh Ward,
Francis O'Hara,
Thomas Dalton,
James M'Mahon,
Manuel de Sylva,
John Ferrara,
Charles Dyche,
Patrick Doyle,
James Murphy,
John Clarey,
Henry Kelly,
Thomas Morris,
Herbert Styles,
Joseph Burridge,
Edward Scarr,
John Pearce.

Any Person or Persons harbouring, concealing, or maintaining any of the said Absentees, will be prosecuted for the Offence.

W. HUTCHINSON, Principal Superintendant.

Source:  Deputy Commissary General's Office Sydney, 11th Oct. 1816 (1816, November 30). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 2. 2017, from 

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