Bridge Over The Darling River at Wentworth 1896

Bridge Over The Darling River at Wentworth 1896

Title: Bridge over the Darling River, at Wentworth

Excerpt from an article titled Public Works, including Roads and Bridges by J. W. Holliman, Department of Public Works, Sydney  - published in "New South Wales: the mother colony of the Australias" (1896) 

Bridges have been constructed over the Murray and Darling Rivers at various points, and to provide for the river traffic a design has been adopted which, while it permits of navigation at all states of the river, does not offer any obstruction in flood time as would be the case with bridges having a swing-span.  The design which has been used is a steel life bridge placed 5 feet clear of the maximum flood. Bridges of this kind have been erected at Wentworth (an illustration of which accompanies this article), and at Brewarrina, Bourke, Wilcannia, Tocumwal and Mulwala.

Provenance: "New South Wales: the mother colony of the Australias". Frank Hutchinson, Edited by F. Hutchinson.
Author: Frank Hutchinson
Date of Publication: 1896
Publisher: C. Potter
Place of Publishing: Sydney
Copyright status: This work is out of copyright
Courtesy: The British Library

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