Recipes for the use of Lentils (1932)

In these days of forced economy many mothers are anxious regarding the body-building value of the food they are able to buy for their children. May we suggest the more frequent use of lentils, which in themselves are one of the richest foods known. One pound, costing about 3 1/2d., contains 5 1/2 ozs. of protein, and 10 ozs. of heat and energy-giving food; whilst 1 lb. of beef-steak only contains 2 2/3 ozs. of protein and 2 ozs of fat for heat and energy. We give here-under a few recipes in which lentils can be used in variation.

Lentil Sausages.
1 1/2 lb. mashed potatoes or boiled rice: 1 lb. onions, chopped and fried; 1/2 lb. lentils; milk to bind.

Wash and strain lentils; put in boiling water (barely enough to cover). When soft add potatoes and onions, and mix well. Make into sausage shapes; dip in milk, then flour or bread-crumbs; fry in boiling fat.

Lentil Roast.
One lb. lentils, 2 chopped onions, 3/4 lb. breadcrumbs, 1/2 lb. cold mashed potatoes, pepper and salt, parsley or seasoning to taste. Wash lentils, cook in an earthenware jar in the oven or in a double saucepan. When quite soft add other ingredients. Place is greased baking tin and bake till brown.

Lentil Rissoles.
Quarter pound boiled lentils, 1/2 oz. butter, pepper and salt a little parsley if desired, short or rough pastry. Wash lentils, cook till soft enough to mash, add butter and seasoning. Roll pastry very thin, cut into rounds about the size of the top of a tea-cup. Into each round put a little of the mixture, fold up, wet edge and stick together. Bake till pastry a golden brown and serve very hot.

Source: WOMEN'S COLUMN. (1932, September 16). Northern Argus (Clare, SA : 1869 - 1954), p. 6. 

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