How To Dislodge a Fish Bone (1890)


It sometimes happens that a fish bone, accidentally swallowed, will remain in the esophagus, and be troublesome. In fact, death has been occasioned by the great irritation of a fish bone. 

In such cases as soon as possible take four grains of tartar emetic dissolved in one half pint of warm water, and immediately after, the whites of six eggs. This will not remain in the stomach more than two or three minutes, and probably the bone will be ejected with the coagulated mass. 

If tartic emetic is not convenient, a teaspoonful of mustard dissolved in milk warm water and swallowed, will answer every purpose of the emetic.

Source: HINTS FOR HOUSEHOLDS. (1890, May 9). Port Adelaide News and Lefevre's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1883 - 1897), p. 4 (SUPPLEMENT TO THE PORT ADELAIDE NEWS). 

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