First-Aid Remedies 1909

First-Aid Remedies.

If poisoned, take mustard or salt, tablespoon, in a cup of warm water, and swallow right soon.

For burns, try borax, and a wet bandage too;

If blistered, then oil and dry flannel will do.

For children's convulsions, warm baths are the rule.

With castor-oil dose too, but keep the head cool.

Give syrup of ipecac when croup is in store.

For fainting, stretch patient right flat on the floor.

To soak in hot water is best for a sprain.

Remember these rules, and 'twill save you much pain.

Source: WOMEN'S COLUMN (1909, September 2). Watchman (Sydney, NSW : 1902 - 1926), p. 2. 

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