Title: Concordia Gold Mines
Engraver: James Charles Armytage (1802? or c.1820-1897)
Date: [ca. 1873]
Notes: This engraving, by J. C. Armytage, depicts the Concordia Gold Mines, one of the early goldfields of South Australia at the time of the gold rush in Australia.
James Charles Armytage
James Charles Armytage
"James Charles Armytage" was an engraver and printmaker. He regularly engraved drawings by John Ruskin for publication in Ruskin’s books, who regularly praised and thanked Armytage for his "consummate skill and patience" in carrying out the work for him, and described his works as "lovely" and "magnificent".
It is interesting to note that no other record of "James Charles Armytage" exists. Armytage appears only as "J. C. Armytage" in works and the name may have been mistaken for John Carr Armytage, a landscape engraver (1802-1897).
Provenance: "Australia" vol. I, 1873; Edwin Carton Booth F.R.C.I. with drawings by (John) Skinner Prout, N. (Nicholas) Chevalier, &c. &c.
Author: Edwin Carton Booth
Contributor: John Skinner Prout (1805-1876)
Contributor: Nicholas Chevalier (1828-1902)
Date of Publication: 1873
Volume: I
Publisher: Virtue & Co
Place of Publishing: London
Copyright status: This work is out of copyright
Courtesy: The British Library
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