The Principal Clerk in the Police Department, for Fines, Fees, &c, received from 1st January, to the 31st March, 1826. 1826.
January 6, 1826.
Joseph Greenhatch, for ditto £1
William Collins, for ditto £1
John Nightingale, for ditto . £2
Richard Wheeler, for ditto . £6 5s
January 23, 1826.
January 26, 1826.
James McCurdy, for ditto, weight 58 oz. £7 5s
February 3, 1826.
Richard Piper, for cruelty to a horse £1
February 8, 1826.
John Walton, for harbouring a prisoner of the crown £ 12 10 0
February 11, 1826.
George Greece, fine of 100 dollars, for selling spirits, not licenced £ 25 0 0
March 1, 1826.
Francis Lawless, for allowing tippling on a Sunday £ 1 10 0
March 6, 1826.
Mr. Paul, for purchasing meat on Sunday £ 0 6 8
Mary Hailey, for harbouring a prisoner of the crown £ 6 5 0
March 11, 1826.
Samuel Dalhey, for ditto £ 1 0 0
Thomas Connor, the produce of his effects sold under warrant of execution, on a fine of £25, for selling spirits unlicensed £ 11 6 8
Total: £95 10 10
Received 50 fines from persons found drunk, at 5s. each, and two for same at 10s. each £ 13 10 0
Received 50 fines from persons found drunk, at 5s. each, and two for same at 10s. each £ 13 10 0
Fees received in the Police Department, on recognizances, summonses, affidavits, &c. from 1st Jan. to 31st March £ 37 11 6
Accumulative Total: £146 12 4
Received for permits for the quarter ending 31st March £ 18 18 6
For slaughtering cattle ditto £ 23 4 O
For cart licenses ditto £ 1 15 0
Total: £48 17 6
Accumulative Total: £195 9 10
Fines adjudged on the 21st March, 1826, and remitted by His Excellency's Order, viz.
For allowing prisoners of the crown to tipple in their homes on Sundays:
W. G Whitfield £30
William Barker £30
William Barker £30
William Thurston £30
March 21, 1826. - Fines adjudged, Daniel Morris, for harbouring a prisoner of the crown, 40 dollars.
March 28, 1826. - William Dummagin, for ditto, 20 dollars,
March 30, 1826. - James Turley, for selling spirits without a licence, £25.
Which fines will be carried to the next quarter's account.
In the Appropriation thereof.
January 7, 1826.
Paid to the officers, with Francis Butland, other constables their moiety of the fines on Ellen Lindsay, being £ 6 5 0 Cr. £ 8 2 7
Ditto Joseph Greenhatch £1 0 0 Cr. £ 0 10 0
Ditto William Collins £1 0 0 Cr. £ 0 10 0
February 1, 1826.
Ditto John Nightingale £2 0 0 Cr. £ 1 0 0
Ditto Richard Wheeler £6 5 0 Cr. £ 3 2 0
Ditto Hannah Daley £1 5 0 Cr. £ 0 12 6
Ditto William Rigby £6 12 6 Cr. £ 3 6 3
Ditto James McCurdy £7 5 0 Cr. £ 3 12 0
March 11, 1826.
Paid to officers, Jilks and Chapman, and other constables, their moiety of the fines on Josesph Greenhatch £5 0 0 Cr. £ 2 10 0
Ditto John Walton's £12 10 0 Cr. £ 6 5 0
Ditto George Greece's £25 0 0 Cr. £ 12 10 0
Paid to officers and constables their moiety on Francis Lawless £1 10 0 Cr. £ 0 15 0
Ditto Mary Barley £6 5 0 Cr. £ 3 2 6
Ditto Samuel Dalhey £1 0 0 Cr. £ 0 10 0
Ditto Connor's sale of his effects under warrant . £11 6 8 Cr. £ 5 13 4
Total: £47 2 1
Balance due and paid to Government this day, making £128 10s. 1d. sterling 148 7 9
Total: £195 9 10
Total: £195 9 10
Certified on Oath to be correct.
E. E. M. ROBINSON, Principal Clerk.
F.ROSSI, J. P. Principal Superintendent of Police.
Police Office Sydney, 14th April 1826
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